From the commitment and synergic job of North Italian leader companies in the mechanic and optoelectronic field, Allusky was born, excellence brand for LED lighting system in the industrial, sport and aerospace industry.

Thanks to the availability of manufacturing and production automatized centers dedicated to aluminum lamp structures, a foundry, an assembly department for electronic material and a laboratory dedicated to the functional tests; every development phase is carefully monitored and take place inside the company headquarter.


The Research and Development Department creates and optimizes new products based on next-generation solutions.

Furthermore, the Allusky expert’s team offers high-end assistance and design services, aimed to satisfy specific and custom needs.


The LED Allusky lighting systems are guaranteed by the certification ISO 9001 and find benefit in the quality process required by certification ISO 14001 to improve the company activities even in a matter of the environment protection. Other certifications like UNI EN 1090 and ISO 3834-4 and SOA, contribute to strengthen the quality proposed to our customers. The company is supplier of the USA government with NCAGE code AH974 and DUNS No.564748494